Keep your homework out on your desk.
Today we will take a look at modern and ancient influences on Chinese culture. You will:
Today we will take a look at modern and ancient influences on Chinese culture. You will:
- Practice using selected web sources to find information about an assigned topic
- Practice citing sources using MLA format
- Synthesize your research into a finished product
- Define relevant search terms
Open an MS Word document. You will use this document to complete today's assignment. It is due at the beginning of tomorrow's class period (stapled, if necessary). It is worth 70 points.
First, here's some terms you'll need to know for today's activities:
- meme
- westernized
- netizens
Part 1: An Introduction (30 points)
Watch the introduction video titled "Why China's Youth Find Western Culture Attractive" on the PBS NewsHour website. Use it to answer the questions below. You have 12 minutes to complete this section of the assignment.
Cite the video using MLA format.
Watch the introduction video titled "Why China's Youth Find Western Culture Attractive" on the PBS NewsHour website. Use it to answer the questions below. You have 12 minutes to complete this section of the assignment.
Cite the video using MLA format.
1. What are some aspects of Western culture that influence Chinese citizens? (2 points)
2. When did Western culture start to become more influential in China? (2 points)
3. How is the government "pushing back"? Why is it doing this? (2 points)
4. How do Western companies adapt to China's market? Give examples. (2 points)
5. How have internet users been affected by government policy? How have "netizens" been able to affect government policy? (2 points)
Part 1: Synthesis: Follow this rubric to answer the following question:
Do you agree that Western culture has too large of an influence over young people in China? Explain your response. (20 points)
You will need at minimum a topic sentence, 3 body sentences, and a conclusion (5 sentences minimum).
Do you agree that Western culture has too large of an influence over young people in China? Explain your response. (20 points)
You will need at minimum a topic sentence, 3 body sentences, and a conclusion (5 sentences minimum).
Part 2: Religion and Belief (40 points)
Throughout Chinese history, three major belief systems have held more influence than any others:
- Buddhism
- Taoism
- Confucianism.
Even though other cultures are beginning to influence Chinese citizens (as you saw in the introductory video), these older customs still maintain their importance.
You will be assigned one of these belief systems. Access the Gale Student Resources in Context database through the PSM LRC page (password: psmlrc). Use the information you find in the database to answer the following:
You will be assigned one of these belief systems. Access the Gale Student Resources in Context database through the PSM LRC page (password: psmlrc). Use the information you find in the database to answer the following:
Cite the source you use for your answers using MLA format.
- What are the basic principles of your assigned belief system? (2 points)
- Who is the founder/primary figure in your belief system? (2 points)
- What is the major written work of your belief system? (2 points)
- Approximately when did your belief system begin? (2 points)
- Is your belief system also a religion? Explain. (2 points)
- Describe any symbols associated with your belief system. (2 points)
- What do people who follow your belief system believe? Include specifics. (4 points)
- Describe any major rituals/practices of people who adhere to your belief system. (4 points)
Part 2: Synthesis (20 points): Follow this rubric to answer the following question:
Describe how your life would change if you followed your assigned belief system. Use specific information from your research in your response.
Describe how your life would change if you followed your assigned belief system. Use specific information from your research in your response.
You will need at minimum a topic sentence, 3 body sentences, and a conclusion (5 sentences minimum). NOTE: If you need more than one paragraph to fulfill the rubric's requirements, write more than one paragraph!
Part 3: Pair and Share (10 points per column, 20 points total)
Create a 2-column chart in your Word document. Label the top of each column with the name of the two belief systems you did not research.
Work with your two neighbors (one for each of the belief systems you did not research) to fill out the table including a summary of their responses to the questions in Part 2.