Monday, April 30, 2012

Should we trade?

US Trade Representative Ron Kirk meets with an
ambassador from India.
Part 1: A Meeting
Review your research with your partners.

  • Create a T-chart in your notebook. Label the left side reasons for. Label the right side reasons against.
  • Take turns sharing your research with your partners. Every time one of your partners says something that  falls on either side of your chart, add it on.
  • When all information has been shared, write 2-3 questions that still need to be answered in order for your group to make its decision.

Part 2: Statement of Opinion (A Thesis! Hooray!) (32 points)
Now that you've completed your initial research, you will create the first firm statement of your opinion. This is still not yet written in stone -- it could change based on what your partners say. Ultimately, your group will share one thesis.

Essentially, you are completing this sentence:
"The United States should/should not open trade negotiations with ____________________ because _________________, _____________________ and ____________________."
You may change the wording/format of this statement as long as it includes the basic information given.

We'll use this rubric to grade your theses.

Part 3: Working on the Final Product
You must persuade the government to agree with your argument. In order to do so, you will create a position paper which adheres to the following criteria:

  • Save your work to the Y:\Ramin World Geography folder in the correct location for your class
  • Name the file "Your Country - Trade Recommendation"
  • Include the each group member's name, as well as the complete PSM heading, at the start of your document
  • Title your paper
  • At least 5 paragraphs in length (Intro, 3 Body, Conclusion)
  • Includes a thesis statement modeled after the one above
  • Persuasively argues your position
  • Includes a 5-source Work Cited page (graded based on this rubric), following MLA format (you should have most of your citations already!)
Your rough draft is due e-mailed to me at the end of tomorrow's class period (5/1/12). It is a project grade, and will be based on this rubric (the same one that will be used for your final product -- Due Friday, 5/4/12).

Each person will also receive an individual project grade for his/her specific body paragraph based on this rubric.

Who does what?
  • Each person should research and write one body paragraph
  • The group should work together to draft the introduction paragraph today and the conclusion paragraph tomorrow
  • The group should work together to compile the Works Cited page
Tomorrow's Expectations:
  • Finalize rough draft, including conclusion paragraph
  • Analyze presentation requirements for Friday's class

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trade Representative to East Asia

Part 1: Re-Introduction

Today you will start working as a U.S. Trade Representative to one specific country. Here are the documents we've looked at already:
Part 2: Problem Statement
We worked together as a class to create a problem statement for this project. Here is the combined problem statement for periods 1, 3 and 6:
"How can we, as new U.S. trade representatives, decide if our country should trade with specific areas of Southeast Asia and make a recommendation so that we can start our careers off well and help our country build meaningful trade relations?"
Part 3: A Return to the Knowledge Inventory
Open your notes to the knowledge inventory you did for Dr. Ness's letter.

You've been assigned a specific country to focus on. Add at least 3 points to each side of your Know/Needs chart based on this specific country.

Part 4: Initial Country Research
Find your country's profile on the CIA World Factbook. Read through the file's introductory page.

Add at least 3 points to each side of your Know/Needs chart.

Part 5: Trade Recommendation Log #1: Initial Reaction (20 points, due at the end of the period)
On a sheet of loose leaf paper, answer the following question. This should be approximately a paragraph in length (5 sentences = 1 intro, 3 supporting details, 1 conclusion) and is worth 20 points (as shown in this rubric). You are working on this part ALONE.
"As a U.S. Trade Representative to _________________, what is your initial reaction? Should the U.S. enter into a trade agreement with your assigned country? What additional information must you find out in order to make your final recommendation?"
Part 6: Trade Group Discussion (8 points, due at the end of the period)
Share your TR Log #1 with your group members. Draw a line below TR Log #1, then use the space to answer the questions below (2 points each, 8 points total):
  1. What additional information did my team members discover?
  2. What additional information do we need to make an informed decision?
  3. What is my team's initial recommendation to the Executive Office of the President?
  4. What 3-4 specific topics must we research in order to make an effective recommendation?
Part 7: Large Group Discussion
We will decide as a class what topics we should research. Think -- what would you want to know if you were going to trade lunches with a friend?

Part 8: In-Depth Research (20 points, due Monday, 4/30/12)
Now that your group has an idea of what it should be doing, you must become more informed about your destination.

Assign a research topic to each person in your group. Use the following sources to do the following:
  • Effectively cite your source using MLA format
  • Produce a minimum of 1 page (typed or handwritten) of notes on your assigned research topic
Your research is worth 20 points, and will be graded based on this rubric.

The following are all sources you may use to complete this portion of the assignment:
Part 9: Statement of Opinion (A Thesis! Hooray!) (32 points)
Now that you've completed your initial research, you will create the first firm statement of your opinion. This is still not yet written in stone -- it could change based on what your partners say. Ultimately, your group will share one thesis.

Essentially, you are completing this sentence:
"The United States should/should not open trade negotiations with ____________________ because _________________, _____________________ and ____________________."
You may change the wording/format of this statement as long as it includes the basic information given.

We'll use this rubric to grade your theses.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Angkor What? Angkor Wat!

Angkor Wat, just outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia...
and steps from the Jay Pritzker Academy.
Today,we will analyze images of the Angkor Wat in Cambodia. By analyzing these images, you will be able to better understand the ancient Khmer Kingdom and modern Cambodian culture. This activity will also help you to understand the things you would need to analyze as a US Trade Representative to SE Asia.

This is a 30 point homework assignment.

Part 1: Images of Angkor Wat (2 points each, 10 points total)
First, take a look at a website containing images of Angkor Wat.

Once you have opened this link, browse through the topics on the left hand side of the page and choose one of the topics listed. You will be able to see several images, and many of the links also have a brief description of the specific temple you are viewing.

Think about Cambodian culture as you look through the images of Khmer sculpture and architecture. Think about what you have learned throughout this course about culture as well as what you have learned about Southeast Asia. Answer the following questions on loose leaf paper.

  1. What does this image tell you about the Khmer?
  2. Why do you think they made this sculpture/structure?
  3. What is the significance of Angkor Wat?
  4. What does the size and complexity of the complex say about the Khmer Empire?
  5. Is Angkor Wat used in the same way today as it was when it was first built? What can this response tell us about Cambodia's history?

Part 2: Trade Representative Connection (20 points)
Put yourself back into the mindset of a US trade ambassador to Southeast Asia. How would you use what you learned today to benefit US trade and/or yourself as a trade ambassador in Cambodia? Answer this in a complete paragraph on your loose leaf. Include at least 5 sentences (Intro, 3 support, Conclusion).

This portion of the assignment is worth 20 points, and is scored based on this rubric.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

You're new Trade Agents. Do some Research!

President Barack Obama meets with US Trade
Representative Ron Kirk, the head of our office.

Tonight, use one of the databases available to our office to research the following topics:
  • the Office of the United States Trade Representative
  • its goals in East Asia
  • the kinds of tasks the office is called on to accomplish
Your databases:
This is your first major assignment related to your trade proposal. You must:
  • Effectively cite your source (MLA format)
  • Prepare ~ 1 page of research on the topic above

Holistic Rubric:

  • 20: Demonstrates mastery of topic
  • 15: Demonstrates adequate understanding of topic
  • 10 and below: Inadequate understanding of topic