Open up a new e-mail to me. Put "Period 3 Current Events" in the subject line. Begin your e-mail with a greeting (ex: "Dear Mr. Ramin). Then, use it to complete today's assignment.
First, Chicago has a new mayor. View this short clip of Emanuel's acceptance speech at NBC5's website, then answer the question below in your e-mail to me.
- What does Emanuel talk about in the clip?
- What does the article tell you about Emanuel's background?
- What enabled Emanuel to win?
Part 1: Background
Use the CIA World Factbook page on Libya to answer the questions below.
- Describe Libya's relative location.
- Describe the physical geography of Libya.
- Who is Libya's leader? Describe his relationship with foreign countries, especially the United States.
- Give a few facts about the people of Libya.
Libya is currently experiencing a revolution. Use the New York Times page on Libya to find out about this revolution.
- Briefly describe what led to the current revolution.
- Describe what has been happening over the past several days.
- Choose one of the articles below "The Protests" section. Type the headline for the article, then summarize what the article tells you about the current situation in Libya and/or the world's reaction to it.