Tuesday, May 15, 2012

the UN, Urbanization, and yoUr Country

Today, we'll focus on 3 U's: the UN, Urbanization, and yoUr Country. Use the sites from yesterday, as well as the ones listed below, to respond to the questions that follow.


  1. What is your country's largest city? Record demographic details (population, etc.).
  2. What challenges do people living in urban areas in your country face?
  3. How could you apply Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes' theory to your city? Give specific details from the video and your sources.
  4. Has your city already started to deal with any of the challenges brought on by urbanization? Does it appear to follow parts of Paes' model? Does it leave any parts out? Explain.
  5. Now, think about the UN. Which UN organization handles issues such as those created by rapid urbanization/industrialization? How might this organization help your city/country? Give specific information from the sources to support your response.

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