Friday, October 14, 2011

Exam Review Part 2: Vocabulary List

Here are all of the vocabulary terms you will be responsible for on your exam. Note -- you should be able to find these in your notes.

Hint: If you are having trouble remembering some or all of these terms, try making flash cards. This will help you study.

  1. Absolute Location
  2. Relative Location
  3. Hemisphere
  4. Equator
  5. Prime Meridian
  6. Latitude
  7. Longitude
  8. Physical Map
  9. Political Map
  10. Legend/Key
  11. Compass Rose
  12. Scale
  13. Qualitative Maps
  14. Flow-Line Maps
  15. Landforms
  16. Landmarks
  17. Hydrologic Cycle
  18. Relief
  19. Topography
  20. Tectonic Plates
  21. Fault
  22. Earthquake
  23. Seismograph
  24. Epicenter
  25. Richter Scale
  26. Tsunami
  27. Volcano
  28. Ring of Fire
  29. Economy
  30. Economic System
  31. Command Economy
  32. Market Economy
  33. Natural Resources
  34. Per Capita
  35. GDP
  36. Population Density
  37. Beringia
  38. All U.S. landforms
  39. Columbian Exchange

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